Friday, January 15, 2010

Stones Into Schools by Greg Mortensen

Greg Mortensen's new book resumes the story of keeping his promises-this one made to the Kirzhig horsemen he met in 1999 who rode into Pakistan to secure his help to bring a school to remote northeast Afghanistan. Many other schools were built and many obstacles overcome before that promise could be kept. One crisis-making this book an even more timely read-involved responding to the devastating earthquake in the Kashmir in October, 2005. Told in the first person and almost as dramatic as Three Cups of Tea, Stones into Schools is a powerful reminder of what a sense of empowerment can produce.

Barbara Thomas
Stones Into Schools is available in the Christus Victor Library

1 comment:

  1. Greg was interviewed on the Bill Moyer's Journal on PBS on Jan. 15. Watch for re-runs of this insightful conversation. Greg appears as a quiet-spoken, deeply involved supporter of education in Afghanistan and Pakistan, especially for girls. His arguments against military efforts there are most enlightening.
